My little ride in a Porsche

We had a very good time last weekend playing carroms and doing some fun stuff with our friends and the most exciting part was our little ride in a Porsche. Vijay taught me Porsche is actually pronounced Porsch-uh… aahh whenever his wise tongue pours out knowledge there I would be soaking it all up with a sponge.
I and Vijay have never been those ‘fascinated to cars’ kind of guys,,, guess what? A little ride in a Porsche has changed it all.
A friend of ours, who shares the same name with Vijay (but is totally opposite to Vijay when it comes to cars), has bought a Porsche. He has not told anybody about his new car as he wants to keep it a surprise to his wife who is in India now. He was little skeptical to reveal it to us, as he couldn’t trust Vijay’s ‘keep your mouth shut’ skills coz Vijay and his wife have been close friends since college. Finally he decides to reveal it all which apparently takes place in a funny way.
This friend of ours after showing the car offers a ride, and how could we stop our already excited senses. There we start… pass on two blocks,,, can’t get on the main road as it has no registration,,, look around for cops… find it safe… then our friend shows it all… speed rises to 100 from 0 in few seconds… then comes back to 40 … takes a turn at 40… aahhh… I couldn’t help but scream… the other guys were having fun seeing me scared like a crow. After the ride was over I felt like I had a sea world roller coaster ride. There are few things in your life that you are going to cherish your whole life, guess what… I had made a memory this weekend :)
hey sharmila...ur blog is pretty interesting...i like the sponge soaking up the knowledge poring from the wise toungue ;-)
Unknown, at 8:50 PM
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